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Little Texas Bison Ltd.
Bison Abattoir / Processing Center

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Our future plan is to develop and build a Bison Abattoir / Processing Center, and be able to process, package and sell all our own branded products


Minimizing the stress on the bison equates to a higher quality meat product.


Bison are easily stressed.  By having our own abattoir, we eliminate the extra stresses of loading, transporting, unloading and being held in unfamiliar surroundings.  These all add stress to the animal and directly affect the quality of the meat.  A highly stressed animal will produce a very low-quality meat and, in some cases, will render the meat unusable for human consumption.

Because of being highly stressed, the meat of these animals contains high levels of cortisol, adrenaline and other stress-related steroid hormones. When an animal experiences a spike in these hormones right before it is slaughtered, it can cause a quick drop in the pH of their body, and the breakdown of glycogen in muscle tissues. This can result in PSE (pale, soft exudative) meat, which has a pale appearance, poor consistency and little to no nutrient content.


The energy required for muscle activity in the live animal is obtained from sugars glycogen) in the muscle. In the healthy and well-rested animal, the glycogen content of the muscle is high. After the animal has been slaughtered, the glycogen in the muscle is converted into lactic acid, and the muscle and carcass become firm (rigor mortis). This lactic acid is necessary to produce meat, which is tasteful and tender, of good keeping

quality and good color. If the animal is stressed before and during slaughter, the glycogen is used up, and the lactic acid level that develops in the meat after slaughter is reduced. This will have serious adverse effects on meat quality.


The less bison are handled the less stressed they are.  Having the abattoir on the premises and having them in familiar surroundings keeps the bison far less stressed and makes for a far superior meat.


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