As with everything at Little Texas Bison Ranch Ltd.,
you are getting the BEST of the BEST. From the land, crops, equipment and buildings, to the bison, livestock and meat products.
If you do it right the first time you don't have to re-do it.
The Land
On our land we are using a regenerative agricultural farming practises to make every effort in returning the land back to its natural healthy condition. This will benefit not only the livestock but also our hay and entire eco system. We are doing are part to make a better world, one step at a time.
The Hay
All our hay is carefully selected to provide not only the best nutritional valves for our animals but also to give back to the land. Our hay and ground cover are as natural as possible for the area and researched to provide the best of growth and value without using any genetically modified seed.​
The Equipment
Our equipment is the best of the best. This is what makes it all come together. Each piece of equipment is researched, new or used? what is best? New is not always the best so we study every piece, before deciding. 90% of all equipment is John Deere allowing us to have everything serviced and parts readily available right here.
The Buildings
In our planning we found the biggest weakness in the whole operation is the buildings currently on site. The shop will be rebuilt to accommodate the maintenance and repairs required in the day-to-day operations, the barn will be rebuilt to accommodate horses and livestock to fit our needs. The need for additional buildings to provide a seamless operation.
The Bison
Our Bison are to be Pure plains bison, DNA tested, and health certified before they get put out with the main herd. We are taking every possible effort to ensure these are the purest and heathiest animals in the World. Every animal is an integral part of our operation, and NO mishandling of animals is acceptable on our ranches. Any mishandling on our herd would lead to immediate dismissal and or possible criminal charges, depending on the severity.​
The Meat
Statistics show that bison meat provides the healthiest and best tasting alternative to commercially raised beef, chicken, or pork. Little Texas Bison Ranch will provide excellent high quality, hormone free, grass fed, tasty and safe bison products to consumers thanks to our bison herd and use of ethical and environmental stewardship of our pastures. It is the mandate of the ranch to raise the bison in the most natural way possible by eliminating the use of chemicals on the properties.
Raised as natural and stress free as possible will give you, the consumer, the best possible meat on the market.