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Our Hay


We are anticipating the implementation of Phase II in the near future, this will cause a split in the Little Texas Bison Ranch being that there will be two separate divisions. Little Texas Bison Ranch North will handle the land and equipment for our crops creating some of the finest Bison hay available under our Regenerative Program. Little Texas Bison Ranch South will be handling the pasture lands. This will fall into our Regenerative Program and also incorporate the Rotational Grazing systems as developed by the ranch. With thousands of acres in Top Quality Hay we should have hay for sale, both round and square bales.


We do store hay for the horses and Bison winter feeding. Always a good idea to pre-book your needs.


The crop plan for this year is to harvest the existing hay fields’ which will produce approximately 2340 1300lb round bales and 520 75lb square bales. The soil will then be tested and replanted with a certified seed mixture of 30% Alfalfa, 20% Orchard Grass, 20% Meadow Brome, 15% Endophyte Free Tall Fescue, 15% Perennial Ryegrass as recommended by the local bison producers and seed supplier.


The ranch will be developing and monitoring a rotational grazing plan for the bison. Through research Kelly and Lyn learned that the rotational grazing not only has great benefits for the bison such as reducing parasite infestation and the need for de-wormer but also has huge ecological and environmental benefits for the land and grasses by eliminating the need for herbicides and chemical fertilizers.


Continued research and development of natural management systems for grazing and hay production will insure that the fields and bison will thrive. Eliminating the use of chemicals keeps the land, water and bison free of chemicals. Chemicals in the soil and water are chemicals in the hay, which are chemicals in the bison.


We are raising our Bison, in the most natural and stress free environment possible. Our crops are chemical free, meaning no chemical fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides or other artificial additives


  • "What goes into the ground"

  • “Goes into the water"

  • "Goes into the crop"

  • "Goes into the animal"


So tell me, would you consume chemical fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides or other artificial additives?


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