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Code of Practice



We at Little Texas Bison Ranch follow a strict corporate code of practice and adhere to the National Bison Association, the Canadian Bison Association, all Provincial and local, Recommended Code of Practice guidelines.


We have a Zero tolerance policy for any employee, visitor or person mistreating, abusing, neglecting, or violating any part or portion of our corporate policy to any animal on our land.

Any infraction of our policy whether written or otherwise will result in dismissal, removal from the land, as well as possible criminal and or civil charges.

The guidelines we use are as published in

National Farm Animal Care Council (NFACC) Code of Pratice


ISBN 978-1-988793-04-7 (book)

ISBN 978-1-988793-18-4 (electronic book text)

Code of Ethics

Employee or Contractor Code Of Ethics

Any Person employed by or under contract to Little Texas Bison Ranch Land Ltd. Shall:

  • Continually strive toward the preservation, promotion and marketing of bison, Little Texas Bison Ranch Land Ltd., and the bison industry.

  • Advance Little Texas Bison Ranch Land Ltd. and the bison industry through improving our knowledge and skill, encouraging research, and exchanging information and experiences.

  • Keep ourselves informed on matters affecting Little Texas Bison Ranch Land Ltd. and the bison industry in our community, the province, the nation and internationally so that we may be able to contribute responsibly to public thinking on such matters.

  • Pursue our professional activities with honesty and fairness while avoiding and condemning any practice that might bring discredit to Little Texas Bison Ranch Land Ltd. or the industry.

  • Respect and help conserve our natural and cultural heritage while striving to improve the environment and the quality of life within it.

  • Conduct business in a professional manner with accurate, current, and factual information so as educate and inform.

  • Abide by all laws of any jurisdiction within which they carry on activities as bison producers. This includes no use of growth hormones in bison.

  • Not use antibiotics in bison on a subtherapeutic (non-therapeutic) basis.

  • Never engage in deliberate cross-breeding of bison with another species.

  • Not knowingly make false statements or fail to disclose a material fact requested in connection with marketing, advertising, and packaging.

  • This includes accurate labeling and no adulteration of product.

  • Observe and enforce the Code of Ethics as well as any regulations laid out by Little Texas Bison Ranch Ltd., and give freely of ourselves for the advancement of it’s objectives.

  • Provide adequate food, handling facilities and health care to ensure the well being of animals in care.

  • Not use animal cloning technology in any manner for the production of bison or bison meat products.

  • Not practice in-vitro fertilization or other artificial reproduction practices for any purpose.

  • Not deliver any animal into the custody of a person who in the opinion of the member does not have the facilities or ability to provide for the animals’ needs or well being.

  • Give an honest description as to the age, health records and genetic background to the best of their knowledge of any animals they offer for sale.

  • Take precautions as necessary to prevent the spread of parasites or disease and treat sick or injured animals immediately to avoid undue suffering and if untreatable, humanely dispatch animals as soon as possible.

  • Respect established private and public property rights and boundaries by responsibly keeping our bison on lands that Little Texas Bison Ranch Land Ltd. own, manage, lease, or for which they have other formal land use agreements.  Stray animal occurrences should be infrequent and solved in a safe and timely manner to preserve harmony within the local community and to foster the continued widespread public acceptance of bison reintroduction and production while ensuring the proper care and protection of the bison themselves.


Any violation of this code by an employee or contractor must be reported in full detail to Management immediately. If it is the opinion of Management that a violation may have taken place, the Management will schedule a interview to allow the employee or contractor in alleged violation an opportunity to respond. If it is then the opinion of Management that the employee or contractor did violate this code, the Management will present to the Board of Directors all details and make a recommendation to: (a) send the violating member a letter of reprimand, or (b) suspend the violating member for a period of time, or (c) terminate the violating employee or contractor from Little Texas Bison Ranch Land Ltd.. The recommendation will be adopted only after a majority vote by the Board of Directors. The employee or contractor in alleged violation will have the right to provide testimony either in person or in writing to the Board of Directors prior to their decision.


If the employee or contractor who is alleged to have violated the code is Management or on the Board of Directors, that employee or contractor shall abstain from all meetings, discussions, and votes regarding his/her alleged violation.  In all cases of an alleged violation, all details of the violation, hearing, recommendation of the Management and decision of the Board of a reprimand will be confidential. The only information released by the Board will be that a specified (named) employee or contractor has been “suspended” or “terminated”.


In the event the Board of Directors feel the matter is of more serious nature, the information may be turned over to authorities for prosecution or addition investigation by outside authorities.


We are always looking for new and exciting ideas.

Let's connect.

780 242-1278

© 2025 by Little Texas Bison Ranch Ltd.

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